
An important part of the Scottish Sports Association's work is feeding the views of its members into official consultations and inquiries. If you have any questions or input regarding consultations please get in touch on 0131 339 8785.

Consultation Responses 19-20 

Social Prescribing - SSA Response

Non-Govt Consultation Responses 2015-16 2015-16 consultation responses 

Loch Lomond & Trossachs Your Park - Response & Outcome

Govt Consultations 2015-16 2015-16 consultation responses 

DCMS - A New Strategy for Sport: Consultation

Govt Consultations 2015-16 2015-16 consultation responses 

BBC Charter Review Consultation

Govt Consultations 2015-16 2015-16 consultation responses 

Lobbying Transparency (Scotland) Bill

Govt Consultations 2015-16 2015-16 consultation responses 

National Lottery - DCMS Call for Evidence

Govt Consultations 2015-16 2015-16 consultation responses 

Land Reform Consultation 2015

Non-Govt Consultation Responses 2015-16 2015-16 consultation responses 

Adventurous Activities Licensing

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

SSA Smith Commission Consultation Response

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Community Empowerment Bill

SSA Publications & Policies Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Working Group on Scottish Sport - Call for Evidence

Non-Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Forestry Commission Scotland - District Strategic Plans

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Scot Gov Youth Sport Strategy

Non-Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

SNH Core Areas of Wild Land Consultation

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Scottish Planning Policy

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Priority Marine Features

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

National Planning Framework 3

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Marine Renewables

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

The Land Reform Review Group

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Draft Planning Circular

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Closure of Core Paths (Modification)

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

National Marine Plan

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Review of the Scottish Planning Policy

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Call for Evidence: Draft Budget 2014-15

Govt Consultation Responses (2013-14) 

Consultation on the temporary closure of land and core paths

Govt Consultation Responses (Archive) 

Lighter Later Campaign

Govt Consultation Responses (Archive) 

Christie Commission

Govt Consultation Responses (Archive) 

Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill

Govt Consultation Responses (Archive) 

Finance Committee Enquiry Preventative Spending

Govt Consultation Responses (Archive) 

Marine Bill

Govt Consultation Responses (Archive) 

Reforming the Law on Scottish Unincorporated Associations

Govt Consultation Responses (Archive) 

Lobbying Transparency Bill