Why Volunteering Matters - The Case for Change

The SSA is proud to be part of and support the Scottish Volunteering Forum’s Case for Change.
The rates of volunteering across the whole Scottish population have now been static for many years. All the evidence tells us that volunteering rates need to increase if we are going to make Scotland a happier, healthier and more prosperous place to live.
Currently approximately 1.3million adults in Scotland volunteer but some individuals and groups find it harder to access volunteering opportunities or just haven’t even considered it as an option.
We believe volunteering should be accessible to all, regardless of backgrounds or perceived barriers. To increase the number of people realising the benefits of volunteering in Scotland, we need to change the paradigm. It needs to become a societal norm to volunteer, where opportunity or expectation is not limited by upbringing and social circumstance. This means there needs to be an entitlement to volunteer that gives equality of opportunity to all.